Wednesday, April 8, 2015

C4T #3

I was able to comment on two different teachers this month.

Mrs. Beth Knittle talks about updating the curriculum in different school.  Classes such as shop and home economics are said to be dated, so they were taken out of the school.  Classes like coding, broadcasting, and game design are some of the classes they have added in their place.  Here are some of the problems teachers have found in updating their curriculum;
  • What certification is needed? Is there even a viable certificate?
  • What department do they belong to?
  • What courses to offer? The sequence?
  • Do we create stand-alone courses, incorporate in existing classes or both?
  • Who develops the curriculum? Can we purchase one?
  • How to shift the pedagogue from traditional teaching to project based team orientated learning environments.
Teachers are finding it easier when they purchase pre-packaged curriculum from places like Code and  Zulama.

Bill Ferriter's post was a metaphor for introducing teachers to data conversions.  CAT HERDING!  Once data conversions are added into a conversation, teachers have the tendency to run in several different directions.  He also states, "Cat herding, on the other hand, is just plain funny.  Using cat herding as a starting point for data-informed decision-making in schools can get people to let their guard down and relax."

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